Many people have a great vision to start up their own business. Some do it successfully, others try and fail and yet more don’t even try. If you are not happy in your work or work environment, starting up a business such as in landscape design if you are passionate about that, can be the right thing to do. And if you do it carefully you won’t be one of those who fail. Here are 6 tips to help you.
- Have a vision and consider it carefully. You have to decide what area of your passion will suit you best. Is it just in design, or is it also in implementation? It could be that you prefer the hands on part, or just the actual designing of a landscape area. If the latter, you’d need to have employees or subcontractors that would follow your plans while you simply oversaw and directed. If you just like to get your hands into the soil and plant things, you might be better off offering simple gardening services.
- Once you open the doors of your new business, don’t pass up any chance of networking and getting word of mouth referrals. It is vital to your business and can save your seed money for other things than advertisements. Joining community groups and talking about what you do is a good way to get the word out. An online presence is also helpful.
- Don’t undervalue your abilities. You are bringing value to the lives of your clients that will enhance their lifestyles and create sustainable and beautiful surroundings. So don’t offer to do work for free or give steep discounts that you are not comfortable with. You are running a business, not a charity.
- Take advantage of all the many free resources that are available to help start-up businesses, especially in areas where your skills are lacking. You can get help with accounting, writing that business plan, tax and even grant funding as well as getting that business licence you need.
- Don’t throw money around if you don’t need to. While many people tend to think starting their own business would be far too expensive, others have gone ahead and started out of their garage, without even getting a loan, then gradually expanded. You can do the same with some creative thinking.
- Make sure you get the services of professionals in areas that are important, such as an accountant, insurance agent and lawyer. When you go into business, there are legal implications that need to be covered. Starting a business without proper insurance cover is a risk that is not worth taking. Consulting a lawyer will ensure you know what is likely to be needed to ensure your success.