Accommodation Safer for Seniors

Ways to Make Your Accommodation Safer for Seniors

Since Australia has an increasingly older population, it is important for many businesses to ensure their premises are safe for them. A good thing about outdoor furniture is its stability, which makes it ideal for older people, even if you use it inside instead of out.

Business managers or those who design interior space for any business, be it an accountants office, a medical centre or accommodation often don’t think in terms of the age of their clients or guests.

This can be especially true of some hotel or motel rooms where the only seating apart from the beds is high stools that can be difficult for older people to use safely. Many older people get a bit dizzy when they stand or sit and doing so from a stool that does not allow your feet to touch the floor can be quite dangerous.  Older people get much more tired when driving and if they stop overnight, they need to have really comfortable chairs to sit on.